Baby , be mine forever♥

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My Storage

FabuLouis Friend


Thursday, March 17, 2011 ? 0 Atashinchi ?

wahh , ari ni dah 18032011 . happy birthday to my gurl (ARYFA ADYLA ) dah besar dah kau upenye . btw kau dah 15 taun dah . n cukup 4 bulan dah kan . huhu . ape kene nan 4 bulan tuh ?? haihh__ade lah . ane buley bg ta0 KAU , haha . cket lagi ma0 pegy oudd sama korunk , weyh , tak sabarsabar wey . msti best rinie kan . huhu . gempak pnye la . araparap jadi lah ape yg yam plan tuk awek KESAYANGAN dea ni . 0ps ! kant0i plak . haha . tape lah . dah terlepas cakap .s0ry kawan ^^ . HAHA ! BTW , ouch! sblom i terlupe pezen yg yam nak bg at dea ade [d aku . s0 aku tak buley lipe . S0 ! SHAHYDA U MUST RMEMBER IT UKE ! jgn lupe . jgn lupe . jgn lupe . huhu . eyh . dah pukul 8 lah . gtg . nak pegy mandy . btw . still ngntuk lagi c0z i tid0 kul 3 cmlm ta0 . huu .. sbb msg nan my hubby lah . hehe . like it . korg nak kmpul kul 9 kan . tape tape . aku pegy mndy skunk . boi boi blog kuh !

p/s : happy birthday to you . happy birthday to you . happy to aryfa adyla , happy birthday to you . lubh u kawan !

I love you with all of my heart baby ♥

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